
Deathrockstar is a music webzine based in Indonesia started by Eric Wirjanata (Twitter: @thspcwndrr )

with a mission to introduce music–good or bad, it doesn’t matter–reflective of mission statements in the non-mainstream music scene. We are also about bringing about FUN to and from all over the world, but especially Indonesia. While our articles are now mostly written in the Indonesian language, we hope you won’t be put off from browsing anyway because we believe that music speaks for itself even if you don’t speak the language. We encourage you to contribute any comments you might have on articles for discussion/debate/networking/etc on our FB Group, and to meet more people who love the same music you do.

Along the way, Death Rock Star have worked together with various collaborator like
Marcel Thee
Ryan Koesuma
Risyad Tabattala
Agra Suseno
Robby Onggo
and countless contributor from all around the country.

We also welcome messages from musicians who have released something you’d like us to review and feature on this website.

Deathrockstar was established in the summer of 2002. Our Godzilla logo was created during summer 2009 and we’re using the Anonymouse logo since 2017 but then we change to logotype

which you can download it bellow

death rock star

death rock star

For more information, giving a heads-up for the news ticker, participating as features writers, releases that you want reviewed, or just saying hello, please do not hesitate to reach us on our FB Group:

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