Sixteen Denim Scale x Anti Sweden Press


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Sixteen Denim Scale is proud to introduce our latest project with Anti Sweden.

We present Fashionweek in Hell 2011!

Anti Sweden / Karoline Bakken Lund and Junker Design ( L.A ) are inviting you to come to our runway show on the 3rd of March 2011.
Anti Sweden’s new collection designed by Karoline Bakken Lund and our limited co-lab collection with Junker design will be exclusively be presented at Hell railway station just outside Trondheim airport. Calico Cooper, daughter of Alice Cooper is our special guest star and will be one of the models on the catwalk.

The legendary band 1349 will perform at Rica Hell hotel to finalize an evening of darkness and rebellion and also the launch our Asian Rebellion Comrades, Sixteen Denim Scale will be showcasing our collaborating T-Shirts for the Show. And our representation on the Fashion Show in Hell.

Runwayshow starts at 18.00 at Hell Railwaystation 1349 starts their concert at Hell Hotel 21.30 , ticket will be sold
for 200Krone

There will be evil goodiebags from our sponsors Canon and Redken, you are served Black Coffe burned in Hell from S&H, Best Byus will be selling their much acclaimed Wongraven wine and Salma will give you a taste of Norwegian food! We hope to see you in Hell!

More info about the event on:

We are having twitter giveaway for whoever tweets the most. The
winner of this contest will get the official T-Shirts for the Fashion Show
in Hell
Rules of Participation :
1. Follow us on Twitter @sixteendscale & @antisweden
2. Tweet : @sixteendscale x @antisweden #ToHellWithFashionWeek

We will randomly choose 16 lucky winners on March 20. Good Luck!
• In return we want to share your contribution by sending our
Sixteen Denim Scale x Anti Sweden Goodie Bag .

Please send us your address

Grimly yours

Sixteen Denim Scale & Anti Sweden

0 Replies to “Sixteen Denim Scale x Anti Sweden Press”

  1. deva says: –> i've got an online store which got ANTI SWEDEN products,go check it out 🙂

  2. antaresbugi says:

    hell yeah!!
    i'm the winner..

    thanks DRS for your info, because of you, i've just become one of the winner..


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