The Secret Agents


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We’ve been taking pictures of secret places everywhere. From places we’ve visited, physically and imaginary. We share our secret places through photographs and stories. The story could be true, but it could be fiction or just a dream. – The Secret Agents

The Secret Agents is Indra Ameng and Keke Tumbuan, two young artists who actively explore the medium of music, photography and video. For me collaboration Indra Ameng and Keke Tumbuan in The Secret Agents is not just an art project with the final results of an exhibition at the gallery.
Superbad, is one of the many art projects that they both make. Superbad is a regular monthly music event held at the Jaya Pub, Jakarta, exciting music events with the concept of inviting emerging bands with rich musical quality.

The uniqueness of their collaboration both in The Secret Agent is a balanced blend between the presence of a variety of mediums, from early music has become the foundation of this project, then video, photography and art itself. The most interesting was when they were invited to participate in the Jakarta Biennale 2009, an international event with the theme of interaction between art and the problems of the city, where they both make a work titled “The Secret Lobby.” This work presents the new spatial experience for the audiences. They are both turning a room into a secret place where visitors can spy on each other.

“Click here for more detail”

0 Replies to “The Secret Agents”

  1. noisedriver says:

    gimana nih lagunya enakeun gak.
    coba denger dulu ah…..

  2. soerya says:

    Sepertinya bagus ni…..

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